Nancy Lakes State Park

November 14, 2016 @ 12:35 am – 1:35 am America/Anchorage Timezone
Shulin Lake Ride
viet nam

This is classed as  a Family ride the distance will be about 60-70 miles. Trail and Swamp riding nothing technical.  We’ll explore the lakes and swamps in the area. We will meet at 9:30 AM and depart 10:00 AM from Nancy Lake State Park parking lot.

Directions to Nancy Lake State Park:

At  Milepost 67.3 on the Parks Highway you’ll find Nancy Lakes Parkway (turn on the left/west off the Parks) large street sign says “Nancy Lakes Parkway”, Travel approximately 2 miles (the road dead-ends into parking area where we’ll meet.)  Be prepared to pay $5 State Parks daily parking fee (no change available/drop box) unless you have a State Parks Pass.  We should arrive back to the parking lot around 5 PM.

Bring a lunch or snack and non alcoholic drink.

Snowmobiles must display state registration for all state parks!

As always check the ASC hot line  566-0272 for latest updates before departing for the ride.