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Welcome to the Anchorage Snowmobile Club

Alaska’s largest Snowmobile Club is a non-profit, grassroots organization whose sole purpose is to protect the rights of all snowmobile rider’s to access public lands, increase rider awareness, network with other riders who share a passion for the sport, and educate our members in matters of safety so that we all come home to our family at the end of every ride. Click here to learn more about us.
We invite everyone from the greater Anchorage area, Mat-Su and Girdwood to join us for family-fun riding adventures (day-trips or overnighters) for ALL skill levels from beginner to Advanced!  We also represent and defend the rights of snowmobilers to enjoy the sport, maintain access to traditional riding areas and trails, and lend a hand when needed.  The club was formed in 1991 to support Anchorage snowmobilers interested in having more places to ride and better snowmobile access.The ASC Board of Directors is composed of 17 positions, four officer positions and 13 board positions. The officer positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board is generally responsible for making decisions regarding issues and funding of the club.  Please consider helping the club by volunteering in a board position, selling raffle tickets and leading a ride to your favorite area!Please explore the many benefits we offer. We have up-to-date information for nearby trails and weather reports. Group rides are organized regularly. Membership and sponsorship information is available as well. Please peruse the photo gallery of past events to see how much fun we have. Contact Us with any questions you may have and like us on Facebook for regular updates.



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Alaska Snotel Sites.

Go to bottem of page and click read more, then pres enter.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/wcc/home/quicklinks/imap#version=167&elements=&networks=!&states=!&counties=!&hucs=&minElevation=&maxElevation=&elementSelectType=all&activeOnly=true&activeForecastPointsOnly=false&hucLabels=false&hucIdLabels=false&hucParameterLabels=false&stationLabels=elevation,parameter&overlays=&hucOverlays=&basinOpacity=100&basinNoDataOpacity=100&basemapOpacity=100&maskOpacity=0&mode=stations&openSections=dataElement,parameter,date,basin,options,elements,location,networks,labels&controlsOpen=false&popup=&popupMulti=&popupBasin=&base=esriNgwm&displayType=station&basinType=6&dataElement=SNWD&depth=-8&parameter=OBS&frequency=DAILY&duration=I&customDuration=&dayPart=E&monthPart=E&forecastPubDay=1&forecastExceedance=50&useMixedPast=true&seqColor=2&divColor=3&scaleType=F&scaleMin=&scaleMax=&referencePeriodType=POR&referenceBegin=1981&referenceEnd=2010&minimumYears=20&hucAssociations=true&relativeDate=-1&lat=62.586&lon=-148.844&zoom=4.9[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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