RSVP requested via text or phone call to 907-242-0808 for this ride with text updates up to the day before–please have current club membership and state-registered sleds $10 for two winters at http://doa.alaska.gov/dmv/reg/snow.htm (note:just about all club rides are on public state lands which require registration. The money goes toward trail grooming anyway).
Early season usually requires intermediate skill level for variable conditions. This will be a family-fun ride but we’ll stop the group occasionally for optional “play” in some of the deeper snow in the swamps around the Petersville and South Denali areas regrouping before riding on. Spare snowmachine belt, folding shovel, (extra gas jug onboard for “powderhounds”) and drinking water is recommended. Bring a sack-lunch but we may make a brief stop at Forks Roadhouse, time and space-permitting. Casual group ride of 40-50 miles total just looking for fun as collective group skills permit.
DETAILS ABOUT MEETING SPOT/TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED dependent on conditions closer to the event date, but it will be parking lot along the Parks Highway or Petersville Road.
From Anchorage, allow 2.5 hours minimum in dry-road driving conditions.